Registration Closed Making Sense of your DNA Test Results

Registration is closed. This class has already taken place. Please check the schedule for a future class.
  •  April 6, 2022
     10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Fee:                     $10.00

Pre-Req:          Knowledgeable computer users, experienced with Web browsing.

Instructor:      Henry Spencer

This seminar is intended for students who have had their DNA tested by It will benefit students who either have an Ancestry tree linked to their test results or have just had their DNA test completed and do not yet have a tree. Users without a tree can view their DNA results without having to pay for an Ancestry subscription. Students who already have a tree on Ancestry will already have an account. Subjects of the seminar will cover ethnicity results, DNA match lists, and techniques to find matched people in those lists. The instructor will demonstrate. Q/A included in the class.


Venue Phone: 919-856-9233

Venue Website:

714 St. Mary's Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27605, United States


714 St. Mary’s Street    Raleigh, NC 27605

(near Broughton Magnet High School)