October 25, 2022
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Fee: $10.00
Pre-Req: Either iOS#1 Introduction to the Basics or iOS#2 Getting to Know Your iPhone or intermediate iOS user.
Instructor: Duane Reaugh
There are over 2 million apps available, over 26 million songs, and millions of books that you can get for your iPhone/iPad. Learn how to search and download some of this great content from the App Store, the iTunes Store, and the iBooks Store as well as how to check out eBooks from the Wake County Public Library. Bring your iPad and/or iPhone along as well as your Apple ID and password.
Location: Wade Edwards Learning Lab (WELL)
Venue Phone: 919-856-9233
Venue Website: www.wade.org
714 St. Mary’s Street Raleigh, NC 27605
(near Broughton Magnet High School)